Gardeners Arms, Higham, Shepherd Neame

Contact us

Get in touch

For general enquiries feel free to call, text, Whatsapp on 07895915658, or email us and we will do our best to respond as soon as possible - we look forward to hearing from you!

Email us

Opening times

Opening times

  1. Monday
    1. -
  2. Tuesday
    1. -
  3. Wednesday
    1. -
  4. Thursday
    1. -
  5. Friday & Saturday
    1. -
  6. Sunday
    1. -

Food serving times

Mon-Weds: Baguettes & basket meals 12-3pm

Weds: 6-9pm Pizza & Prosecco offer

First Sunday of the month: Roast dinners

  1. Monday & Tuesday
    1. -
  2. Wednesday
    1. -
    2. -
  3. Thursday - Sunday
    1. -

Contact us

You can find us here

2 Forge Lane, Rochester, ME3 7AS

01474 823337